Do I Need Professional Mold Testing in Front Royal, VA?

A cursory search on whether you need professional mold testing in Front Royal, VA, can give you tons of responses. Some believe that it is not a necessary step. You can, after all, get all the information you need with a visual inspection. It could be as easy as identifying an area of infestation and removing it. 

The other side might argue that you do need professional testing. At Envirotex, we take the latter position as well. This is not because we are in the business of mold management. Rather, we know the far-reaching impact of not dealing with mold infestation.

That’s why we have written this informative article. In the end, you will know why mold is not something to take lightly. You will also understand why you need to have a professional company like Envirotex on your speed dial.

Should Mold Be a Reason for Concern?

If you go back to your science classes, you know that mold is not necessarily harmful. It is an integral part of the ecosystem. So, as long as they are outdoors, you can go on your merry way.

Now, the problem comes in when there is an infestation in the house. You will often find mold in dark, damp places. Depending on how widespread the mold infection is, the walls will not look good.

The walls could appear green, grey, or whatever color the particular mold strain has. If the spores are loose, you might end up breathing them in. Now, that is where all your problems might begin. Mold can cause serious health problems. They can also exacerbate underlying medical conditions.

Those with allergies will tend to experience flare-ups, making life very uncomfortable. Forgive us for an extended version of a response to that simple question. The answer, in a word, is YES. Mold should be a concern if you find it within the home.

Are There Different Mold Strains?

The answer is yes. There are so many different strains or types of mold that you will find both indoors and outdoors. For this particular write-up, we will concentrate on the indoor types.

There are two basic types; toxic and non-toxic. The former are the ones you need to be concerned about. You can find more than ten strains lurking within your home. They include:-

  • Acremonium assumes many different colors. These include grey, pink, white, or orange. It is highly toxic and can cause organ failure and impair brain functions.
  • Alternaria has a velvet-like texture and is usually dark green. It is allergenic and will trigger those with asthma or respiratory tract infections. 
  • Chaetomium starts as white but will eventually turn black. This strain can cause nail and skin infections and a host of other health issues.
  • Penicillin is green, yellow, or blue and is a serious allergenic. 
  • Mucor is white or grey and exacerbates underlying health conditions like asthma or respiratory issues. 
  • Fusarium is toxigenic and allergenic. Prolonged exposure is life-threatening and results in brain abscesses, bone infections, internal bleeding, and hemorrhaging.

It can be hard to know a particular strain just by looking at it. That is why you need professional mold testing in Front Royal, VA. 

Can You Carry Out a Mold Inspection on Your Own?

It’s not difficult to know when you have a mold infestation. Some signs are indicative of an infection. You will notice a spot containing a velvet, powdery or cottony substance. The colors are of a range, depending on the strain.

If you leave the mold for some time, you might notice that it starts to spread. There could also be an earthy or musty smell. The walls around the area may start to peel, crack or warp. 

Is Professional Mold Testing in Front Royal, VA, Really Necessary?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a visual inspection is enough to identify the presence of mold. In such a case, you need remediation or removal.

However, as we stated in the beginning, we do believe testing is necessary. Let us take the example of buying a new home. The seller may have covered up the mold.

If they covered up the infestation, the mold is still within. It would help to know what kind of strain you are dealing with to take the right action.

Can You Do Mold Testing On Your Own? 

It would be wrong or negligent of us not to mention that there are testing kits you can buy over the counter. Nonetheless, there are some truths you need to be aware of. The kits are not the most reliable. Many tend to report false negatives and positives.

The kits will let you know that there is mold, but they will not show you the exact location. Mold can grow almost anywhere within the home. You will find it under carpets, couches, HVAC, or leaking sinks. It is crucial to identify any area of infestation and take care of them as soon as possible. 

Allowing the experts to do the inspection and testing will work better for you. They know exactly where to look for mold. Their expertise also allows them to determine the extent of the infestation. Once you talk to Envirotex, our efficient team will collect samples for testing, thus identifying the strain present in your home. 

What Can You Expect During Mold Testing?

When we arrive at your home, the first thing we do is a visual inspection. We look at all the areas that are likely to contain mold. Google, for example, uses diagnostic thermal imaging to detect moisture sources.

Mold likes damp, dark areas. Any place within the home that provides this ideal breeding condition will come under our scrutiny. 

The second step is to collect samples from the mold-infected areas. We use different techniques, including bulk sampling, swapping or the use of tape. The process requires careful handling to avoid releasing any spores into the atmosphere. 

Once we determine that we have enough samples, we send them off to certified labs. Do note; we only deal with those that bodies like the American industrial hygiene Association recognize. Such labs have the expertise and tools to handle the work proficiently.

The labs will analyze the sample and send us their report. We base any course of action after that on the results.

What Happens If We Find Toxic Strains?

We typically recommend two causes of action, remediation or removal. There are many stages we go through. It may require demolition up some areas that have an infestation. Others are sanitization, containment, and thorough cleaning. 

The action we take will largely revolve around where the mold is growing. Let us say it is on porous material. For such cases, the only way is removal.

At Envirotex, we make sure that we remove any mold-containing material from the property. It is a delicate task that requires careful handling of such. We aim to restore your home to a safe, healthy environment without you having to stress about anything.

However, it doesn’t end there. We will come back and do another testing after the removal or remediation. The process aims to reduce the mold count to acceptable or harmless levels. As we stated, mold is present everywhere. It is, therefore, not possible to remove it completely. 

Our team will also give you invaluable advice on how to prevent a resurgence of mold. This includes taking care of any persistent moisture that gives them breeding ground.  

Call Envirotex for Professional Mold Testing In Front Royal, VA

Are you still thinking twice about whether you need professional mold testing in Front Royal, VA? Talk to Envirotex. We have been in the mold management business for a long time. We have serviced a wide range of clients over the years. The one thing we do is insist on total transparency at all times. 

Our team of qualified professionals will walk you through the mold testing process. They are also at hand to answer any questions you may have. To get a consultation, all you need to do is fill in the form on our website. 

One of our Envirotex mold experts will get in touch with you for further discussions. Do not let mold impact your health or that of a family. Please take the right and necessary steps to keep them safe today.

Should Black Mold Removal in Alexandria, VA Be Left to the Pros?

If black mold infestation found its way into your Alexandria, VA home, do you remove the mold yourself or hire a professional black mold removal company to do it for you? That would all depend on the severity of the mold infestation. If mold has spread to over 10 square feet, you should hire a black mold removal company to remove the mold at hand from your Alexandria, VA home.

Any type of mold can lead to health problems, but black mold is more hazardous and destructive. Black mold removal can put your health and those around you in danger. It is best to leave black mold removal to professionals with years of experience and the proper equipment to ensure that the black mold is completely removed from your home in Alexandria, VA.

Removing a large area of black mold growth requires complex mold remediation. Trying to remove large amounts of black mold and prevent it from spreading throughout the rest of your home in Alexandria, VA is complicated without the proper knowledge and equipment, especially when mold could be hidden behind your walls and under your flooring.

Mold can also be in your HVAC system, which spreads mold spores throughout your Alexandria, VA home and increases the risk of health problems for your family and the spread of mold growth. Wood is porous and is most commonly affected by mold.

With advanced techniques, a professional black mold removal company may be able to salvage wood surfaces and can also tell when mold growth has penetrated surfaces of your attic and crawlspaces.

Hiring a professional black mold specialist may be covered under your home insurance policy. If you had any kind of flood damage to your home in Alexandria, VA and mold developed, check with your insurance company to see if the damage is covered.

If you have any questions regarding black mold removal at your home in Alexandria, VA, or any other environmental issues, call the professionals at Envirotex. They will be glad to help answer your questions.

Is a Mold Inspection in Fairfax, VA Worth the Cost?

Mold is a very serious matter, especially when it’s in your Fairfax, VA home. A home infested with mold damage can also be detrimental to your family’s health. At the first signs of mold, a mold inspection should be done because what you see may not be all there is of mold growth inside your home. 

Mold is a fungus and, unfortunately, can thrive in most places. It can spread by emitting spores, microscopic particles. Mold spores float around the air until they land on a surface inside homes in Fairfax, VA.  Mold is found outside of homes, as well as inside of homes. These mold spores only become damaging when they land on a moist surface and mold starts to grow and, left alone, unnoticed can do quite some damage to homes in Fairfax, VA.

So you might be wondering when you should invest in a mold inspection, how costly is it, and is it worth it? 

Any kind of water damage, such as your basement flooded, the roof leaking, or a pipe having a slow leak that went unnoticed, could start mold growth inside your home. By the time you notice the mold, it could have spread behind your walls, under your flooring, and you have no way of knowing unless a mold inspection is done at your Fairfax, VA home.

If you purchase a new home in Fairfax, VA, or new to you, a mold inspection is a smart thing to do. A mold inspection is an entirely different process than a standard home inspection. When you purchase a new home, you have no way of knowing of any water damage that might have happened in the home you plan to purchase. A mold inspection is the only sure way of knowing if the house has mold.

Suppose you were unfortunate at one time and went through expensive mold remediation by taking the necessary steps to deal with the mold inside your Fairfax, VA home. In that case, it is recommended that you have mold inspections regularly to ensure the problem of mold growth is gone from the home.

The cost of a mold inspection in Fairfax, VA will vary depending on the size of the home. If you have any questions about a mold inspection, call the experts at Envirotex Environmental Services. They will be glad to help.

Steps for Mold Removal at Homes in Northern VA

Despite the fact of how hideous and unclean mold can look growing in your Northern VA home, it is also harmful to your family’s health. Mold produces allergens and irritants. If any of your family members are sensitive to mold, inhaling or touching mold or their spores could cause an allergic reaction. These allergic responses may include hay fever–type symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, red eyes, and skin rash. Once you see signs of mold inside your home in Northern VA, it is imperative that you make a plan for mold removal to rid your home of these mold spores that can be detrimental to your family.

Moisture plays a big part in mold growth—While you may see mold growing on surfaces inside your Northern VA home, there could be mold also growing behind your walls where you can’t visibly see it. Knowing where your moisture came from and how it got into your home is one of the critical factors in the mold removal process. Identifying your moisture source will help locate further mold growth that is not visible. Getting rid of the moisture source at your Northern VA home is also essential otherwise, once the mold removal process is complete, it will only come back if the source of your moisture problem isn’t fixed.

A Plan for Mold Removal for Homes in Northern VA

  • Repair the water issue so the mold won’t come back once the mold removal is complete.
  • Isolate the contaminated area by closing all the doors and windows and covering the hallways with polyethylene sheeting. Seal the seams with duct tape.
  • Mist the contaminated area to suppress the dust.
  • Remove all the wet and damaged porous materials and place them in plastic bags. These bags can be disposed of with your regular trash after wiping down the bags with a damp cloth and solution before taking them from the contaminated area.
  • Surfaces in the contaminated area must be vacuumed with a HEPA vacuum.
  • All non–porous materials and wood surfaces infested with mold must be cleaned.
  • Once cleaned, the materials need to be dried to let any leftover moisture evaporate. To help the process, use fans, dehumidifiers, or increase the temperature inside your home in Northern VA.
  • Any materials which were removed may need to be replaced or repaired.

Your typical mold removal process may be similar and more or less in–depth than this plan. If you have any questions, call Envirotex Environmental Services, and they will be glad to help.

Does Homeowners Insurance Pay for Mold Removal in Manassas, VA?

It all depends. Most homeowner’s insurance will cover your Manassas, VA home if a sudden and accidental occurrence causes water damage. These occurrences include a pipe that bursts or a type of overflow, such as an air conditioning that malfunctions. If the source of your mold is a peril that is already covered in your homeowner’s insurance, such as water damage, then most accidents should be covered. What this means for you is that if mold growth develops from an accident, mold removal would most likely be covered under your insurance policy and any property damage from the mold to your home in Manassas, VA.

Some examples of when your homeowner’s insurance policy may cover mold removal—

  • If your water heater ruptures and the water spread over your floor causes mold growth to the flooring and surrounding walls, mold removal should be covered.
  • If your Manassas, VA house caught on fire and the water that was used to put out the fire causes mold, mold removal, in this instance, should be covered by your homeowner’s insurance.
  • Suppose your dishwasher malfunctioned and flooded the kitchen floor at your home in Manassas, VA, resulting in mold growth. In that case, your homeowner’s insurance should cover mold removal and any damage caused to your property.

Because mold damage can be outrageously expensive, most insurance policies have a limited amount of what they will pay out for mold removal and property damage. In places prone to mold, such as in Florida, you can purchase mold coverage above the amount they cover, but it could become costly. The best way to prevent mold removal is to be aware of all appliances that use water, check for water leaks under sinks, around the washing machine, and dishwater. Taking extra precautions can save you a lot of headaches that could leave you with an empty pocketbook when dealing with excessive mold damage at your home in Manassas, VA.

If you notice any mold growth around your home in Manassas, VA, call the experts at Envirotex Environmental Services. They will be glad to help rid your home of any mold growth that could potentially be a concern for your family’s health and destructive to your property.

Eliminate Health Problems with Black Mold Removal in Alexandria, VA

Black mold removal is more common than you might think at homes in Alexandria, VA. Toxic black mold, known to scientists as Stachybotyrs chartarum can release spores while it feeds on household materials including carpet, drywall, insulation, and sub-flooring that have been exposed to moisture. When these spores are ingested or inhaled, they can cause mold illnesses and diseases which include:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Stress
  • Disorientation
  • Forgetfulness and Poor Memory
  • Mood Swings
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Abnormal Reflexes
  • Poor Organization Skills
  • Panic Attacks

Mold can cause unpleasant odors, damage to walls and floors plus a host of health problems. Black mold removal should be performed at the first signs of mold. Understanding the most common areas for black mold growth, is your first start in eliminating mold from you Alexandria, VA home.

Black toxic mold grows in damp, warm, and humid environments with common areas being basements crawlspaces, showers and around heating and cooling appliances. It can occur in ventilation ducts and carpets. Anytime you see mold or if your home in Alexandria, VA smells musty, contact an environmental service company to have a professional inspect your home and test the air quality at your home.

Depending on these findings, you might need to have a black mold removal done at your home. You will also need to find where the source is coming from. If you have any leaks or areas where moisture is collecting on a regular basis, these areas will need to be fixed, or you will never completely get rid of your mold. The black mold removal will only be a temporary fix.

Once these areas have been repaired, and your black mold removal has been completed at your home in Alexandria, VA, areas that are more prone to mold can be kept dry by running a dehumidifier. An attic fan can pull moisture from the air in the winter, and foundation vents should be opened in the winter and closed in the summer to help with moisture control. Always use vent fans in your bathroom and kitchen.

Anytime you have a black mold removal done by a professional environment service company, you should always have your Alexandria, VA home retested to make sure all mold has been removed and the quality of your air has been restored.

Principles to Follow for a Successful Mold Removal in Northern Virginia

If you already see mold in your Northern Virginia residence, there is no need to have a mold inspection. Any mold must be removed, and the source of the mold will need to be addressed also. If the mold source is not fixed, your mold will keep coming back.

A successful mold removal should follow these five principles.

  1. Safety first. Anyone involved in the removal process and the occupants of the Northern Virginia home should be protected.
  2. Assessment. A preliminary assessment should be performed both during and after the mold removal process.
  3. Controlling contamination. Cross-contamination must be prevented so the mold does not spread from the contaminated areas to other areas that do not have mold or has less contamination.
  4. Remove the source. The mold needs to be physically removed at its source.
  5. Remove the moisture. Mold needs moisture to grow. The moisture problem that caused the mold growth at your Northern Virginia home will need to be eliminated.

A Northern Virginia mold removal professional will focus on the source of where your mold is coming from. This source will need to be removed such as drywall, carpeting, etc. and replaced once the mold removal has been completed. If you have a leak causing the mold or moisture coming into your basement, you will have to have this taken care of or the mold removal will only be a temporary fix.

Once the mold has been removed, a mold removal professional from Northern Virginia will clean the air of airborne mold spores using HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) scrubbers and air exchange which replaces moldy air with clean, fresh air through ventilation or negative air controls.

Proper safety gear will be worn including a full protective suit and a high filtration face mask by the mold removal professional team. These professionals will seal off the work area so the mold spores will not disperse throughout the home in Northern Virginia. An antimicrobial chemical is used to clean mold and mold stains. Sometimes a sealer or encapsulant is used to treat areas that are more resistant to water damage and mold and to control odor.

During a mold removal, your HVAC air ducts may require professional cleaning since the air ducts can collect dust and mold spores.

It is always best to call an environmental service company for any mold removal for Northern Virginia homes.

When you Might Need an Asbestos Inspector in Washington, D.C.

Unfortunately, you can not tell whether a material in your Washington, D.C. home contains asbestos just by looking at it. Most asbestos is found in homes built before 1980. If you suspect asbestos-containing material such as damaged floor or ceiling tiles, or if you are planning on any renovations in the near future that will require removing or disturbing the material, the EPA recommends that you have an asbestos inspector take samples and be tested by an outside professional laboratory.

An accredited professional asbestos inspector can inspect your home or business, take samples of suspected materials and then advise you about what needs to be done to rid your home or place of business in Washington, D.C. of any asbestos-containing materials.

A Washington D.C. asbestos inspector will first do a complete visual examination of your home in Washington, D.C. He will carefully collect samples for testing and send off to a laboratory for analysis of the samples taken from the home.

If the samples test positive for asbestos, the asbestos inspector should give you a written evaluation of his findings, the location and the extent of the damage. He should then recommend a plan to either contain or remove the asbestos from your Washington, D.C. home by a licensed and insured asbestos contractor. Once the asbestos has been removed or contained, another inspection should be done by the professional asbestos inspector or an independent air testing contractor in Washington, D.C. to make sure there is no increase in asbestos fibers in the air.

If your asbestos inspector finds asbestos-containing materials that have not been disturbed and are in a remote area of your home in Washington, D.C. that no one ever comes in contact with, he may suggest to leave it alone. Asbestos is only hazardous when it is disturbed and becomes airborne.

Envirotex serving the Washington, D.C. area is an environmental service company with over 15 years of experience in asbestos testing and remediation, mold testing and remediation, lead paint testing and remediation, and meth labs and clandestine drug lab cleanup. Call Envirotex for the environmental specialists in your area.

Symptoms That Signal a Need for Black Mold Removal in Alexandria, VA Homes

Black mold removal can be a problem for many homeowners in Alexandria, VA and predominately in high humid climates. Alexandria, VA with its extremely humid temperatures during the summers can play havoc to black mold growth.

The worst problem with mold growth can be black mold poisoning. This is something to avoid at all costs so you can protect your family. Envirotex Environmental Services are the experts in identifying all types of mold and in black mold removal as well as other environmental services including asbestos removal and remediation and lead-based paint removal.

Some common symptoms that might be signaling you that black mold removal is necessary for your home in Alexandria, VA could be –

  • Headaches can appear after inhaling black mold. You might begin to feel your head throbbing. This is your body’s way of telling you it is trying to fight off the spores entering the room.
  • Watery eyes and itchy throat are another warning that you have black mold growth somewhere at your house in Alexandria, VA which needs to be taken care of with a black mold removal.
  • Excessive coughing and mucus is another symptom that can be the result of black mold spores in your home.
  • A more severe problem of black mold poisoning is when your lungs begin to bleed.This can happen if you have been exposed to black mold for quite some time and your system can no longer fight it off. Black mold attaches itself to the lungs and begins causing inflammation and irritation, and if not treated properly or without having a black mold removal to rid your Alexandria, VA home of its mold infestation, severe damage to your lungs can result in your lungs bleeding.

Not all black mold is visible for you to see. Normally there will be a musty smell that will also warn you of mold that is growing in your home.

Now that you are aware of these common flu-like symptoms that could be signaling you that your home could have a mold problem, you should call the experts at Envirotex. Envirotex specializes in black mold removal, and they will also advise you on how to avoid mold growth from growing back once you have black mold removed from your home in Alexandria, VA.

You should never attempt black mold removal on your own from your Alexandria, VA home. To avoid health issues, call the professionals at Envirotex.

Should an Asbestos Inspection Be Performed Before Renovating in Washington, D.C.?

Even though an asbestos inspection might not be required for buildings constructed after 1980, there is still a chance that some building materials in your Washington, D.C. home might contain asbestos-containing materials. A 1991 appeals court ruled that some common consumer products are still allowed for use in the United States when a large portion of the “Asbestos Ban and Phase Out” rule was overturned. These consumer products include:

  • Vinyl-asbestos floor tile
  • Roofing felt and coatings
  • Asbestos-cement products (flat corrugated sheets, shingles, pipe)
  • Asbestos clothing
  • Pipeline wrap
  • Millboard
  • Gaskets
  • Non-roofing coatings
  • Automotive products

With products being imported where asbestos is not regulated as strong as in the U.S., homes and buildings in Washington, D.C. have a real potential for new products being installed that contain asbestos. With home renovations increasing for Washington, D.C. homeowners, it is important that you be aware of possible asbestos-containing materials in your home. Be safe and contact an asbestos inspection specialist to check your home in Washington, D.C. for any asbestos-containing materials before you start any renovations.

The first step of an asbestos inspection will be a visual inspection by a professional inspector in Washington, D.C. A typical home might take around 2-3 hours whereas a commercial property might take longer, depending on its size. An asbestos inspection will include inspecting the foundation, heating and air-conditioning and ventilation’s systems.

Any asbestos-containing materials will be checked for its current state to make sure materials are not harmful. Materials which are in good shape and that will not be interrupted during the renovation are not releasing fibers so these should be of no concern.

Any asbestos-containing materials found during the asbestos inspection that will be destroyed in the renovations as well as any materials that are showing signs of deterioration and wear and tear such as tearing or abrasions should be handled by a Washington, D.C. professional to remove or repair these asbestos materials.

An asbestos inspection, abatement, or removal should always be handled by a certified, licensed, and insured environmental services professional. These professionals are equipped and experienced in the handling of asbestos and will comply with the increasingly complex regulations surrounding asbestos in Washington, D.C.