Uncovering the Importance of Asbestos Risk Assessment in Harrisburg, VA

Asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral used in construction and insulation for its heat resistance and durability, has proven to be a significant health hazard to those who encounter it. Harrisburg, VA, is no exception to this; many buildings and homes in the town contain asbestos, which can pose a severe threat to human health. To mitigate this threat, it is essential to understand the asbestos risk assessment methodology and the urgent need for timely evaluations. This blog aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of asbestos risk assessment in Harrisburg, VA.

What is asbestos risk assessment?

Asbestos risk assessment involves identifying the presence of asbestos-containing materials in buildings and determining the potential risk to human health. A professional asbestos inspector will collect samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials and send them to a laboratory for analysis. The results of the analysis determine the presence of asbestos in the material and the concentration levels.

What are the methodologies used for asbestos risk assessment?

Asbestos risk assessment can be done through two methodologies – Management Survey and Refurbishment and Demolition Survey. A management survey is conducted to identify, manage, and monitor asbestos-containing materials in a building. The goal is to prevent the release of asbestos fibers into the air by ensuring that asbestos-containing materials are safely managed or removed. Refurbishment and Demolition Survey is done before any construction or renovation activities take place, particularly in older buildings. The survey aims to identify any asbestos-containing materials that may be disturbed during construction activities and ensure that such materials are managed or removed safely.

Why is asbestos risk assessment essential in Harrisburg, VA?

Asbestos exposure can lead to various severe diseases, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. The risks of developing these diseases increase with prolonged exposure. Harrisburg, VA, is no different from the rest of the world, and many buildings and homes contain asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos risk assessment helps to identify the presence of these materials in buildings and the potential risks associated with them. It helps property owners to take immediate action to manage or remove asbestos-containing materials safely, reducing the chance of the release of asbestos fibers into the air.

What actions are required after asbestos risk assessment?

After asbestos risk assessment, the professional inspector will provide a report outlining the asbestos-containing materials found and their potential risks. The property owner must take immediate action to manage or remove the asbestos-containing materials safely. If the asbestos-containing materials are in good condition and unlikely to be disturbed, the asbestos inspector may recommend managing the materials safely by encapsulating or sealing them. If the asbestos-containing materials are in poor condition or about to be disturbed, the inspector may recommend removing the materials safely by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor.

Why hire a professional for asbestos risk assessment?

Asbestos risk assessment is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and skills. Only a professional asbestos inspector can properly identify and assess the presence of asbestos-containing materials in buildings. A licensed asbestos inspector will collect and analyze samples for accurate results, ensuring that the property owner takes the necessary action to manage or remove the asbestos-containing materials safely.


In conclusion, asbestos risk assessment is a crucial step in identifying, managing, and removing asbestos-containing materials from buildings in Harrisburg, VA. It is essential to hire a licensed asbestos inspector to assess the presence of asbestos-containing materials accurately. Property owners must take immediate action to manage or remove asbestos-containing materials to prevent the release of asbestos fibers into the air and reduce the risk of severe health hazards to human health. Asbestos risk assessment is a timely and necessary step in ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents of Harrisburg, VA.

Understanding Asbestos Risk Assessment in Arlington, VA

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material that gained popularity in construction in the early 20th century due to its durability, insulation, and fire-resistant properties. However, as science uncovered the link between asbestos and respiratory diseases, its use in construction was severely limited. Despite this, many old buildings in Arlington still have asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in their infrastructure. Hence, the need for thorough asbestos risk assessments in Arlington, VA. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was widely used in the manufacturing of various products throughout the 20th century due to its heat-resistant properties. It was not until the 1970s when the harmful effects of long-term exposure to asbestos fibers were discovered. Since then, its use has been banned in many countries, and numerous stringent regulations have been introduced to limit exposure to asbestos. The city of Arlington, VA, is taking the issue seriously, and asbestos inspections are becoming increasingly important. The city of Arlington, VA was established in the early 20th century and has a rich cultural history. But there is a hidden danger in many of the older homes and buildings in the area. Asbestos, a mineral used in building materials in the past, is known to be hazardous and can cause lung cancer and other respiratory problems. To combat this danger, the city of Arlington has established guidelines and procedures for asbestos risk assessment and management. In this blog post, we will help you understand.

What is Asbestos Risk Assessment?

Asbestos risk assessment is a detailed evaluation to identify the presence, extent, condition, and potential risk of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in a building. A trained asbestos inspector uses specialized equipment to collect samples from varied materials and areas within the building and sends them to a certified laboratory for analysis. Based on the results, the inspector creates a comprehensive report that includes recommendations for safe abatement or elimination of any identified ACMs.

Asbestos risk assessment involves evaluating the potential risk of ACMs in a building and identifying the best course of action to manage those risks. There are two types of asbestos risk assessments: management surveys and refurbishment/demolition surveys. The former assesses the potential for ACMs to be damaged or disturbed and recommends actions to manage them. The latter assesses the potential risk during refurbishment or demolition activities, guiding safe ACM removal and/or containment. Asbestos was used extensively in building materials in the past, including roofs, insulation, pipes, and boilers. Its popularity can be attributed to its fire resistance and durability. However, asbestos is also linked to deadly lung diseases and cancer, making it a serious risk for those working or living in homes or buildings containing it. Asbestos fibers can easily get into the air and be inhaled by people, causing damage to the lungs that can take years to show up.

Why is Asbestos Risk Assessment Important?

Asbestos exposure is linked to severe and deadly diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Studies show that even a small amount of exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to long-term health problems. Asbestos-containing materials can be found in any building built before the 1980s, including schools, homes, and commercial buildings. Asbestos risk assessment is essential to prevent exposure to ACMs during renovation, demolition, and daily activities. Asbestos risk assessment in Arlington, VA, is mandatory before such activities take place.

Asbestos risk assessments are a crucial step in identifying the presence of asbestos in a building or home. This process involves a thorough visual inspection of the building materials, testing for asbestos fibers, and evaluation of the condition of the materials. In Arlington, VA, it is required that a licensed asbestos inspector conduct these risk assessments. The inspector will provide a detailed report on the presence of asbestos and provide recommendations for managing and/or eliminating the hazard.

Asbestos risk assessments are typically conducted when a building is being renovated or demolished, or when individuals are experiencing health problems that may be related to asbestos exposure. These assessments are critical because they identify the presence of asbestos-containing materials and evaluate the risks associated with them. The assessment will also identify any friable asbestos, meaning asbestos that can easily crumble and release fibers into the air. Friable asbestos poses a higher risk than non-friable asbestos-containing materials, and immediate action is often recommended.

Whether it is a residential or commercial building, timely asbestos risk assessment is essential to avoid long-term exposure of people to asbestos fibers. Professionals consider several factors in determining asbestos risks, including the nature, condition, and location of ACMs in the building. They use various methods such as sampling and analysis to identify all ACMs and determine their concentration. The results of the assessment are documented in an asbestos report, which is used to plan and guide further actions.

What Happens During Asbestos Risk Assessment?

During asbestos risk assessment, the trained inspector will visually inspect the building to identify any visible ACMs. They will then collect samples from surfaces that could potentially contain asbestos, such as insulation, floor tiles, or pipe lagging. The samples are sent to a certified laboratory for testing, and results are available within a week. The inspector then creates a report outlining all the recommendations for abatement or elimination of identified ACMs and the urgency of each action required.

Professionals grade asbestos risks into four categories, with category one being the most severe. Category one is referred to as a “notifiable non-licensed work” where workers managing asbestos must have specific training and follow stringent safety protocols. Category four is the lowest risk level, where asbestos-containing materials are not expected to release fibers if left undisturbed. Some examples of category 4 ACMs are asbestos cement roofs and plasterboard panels.

What are the Required Actions After Asbestos Risk Assessment?

The actions required after asbestos risk assessment depend on the amount, condition, and location of the identified ACMs. If the ACMs are in good condition and not damaged, encapsulation or enclosure may be recommended to contain them and prevent fiber release. If the ACMs are damaged or deteriorating, removal or abatement should be done immediately to prevent potential health hazards. The report will also outline the recommended remediation methods, timeline, and any necessary health and safety precautions.

When professionals assess the asbestos risk level, they also consider the building’s occupancy and the potential risk to occupants’ health. For instance, if a building is primarily occupied by children or older adults, the professionals may recommend more stringent actions to minimize risk to their health.

Once the asbestos risk assessment is complete, the next step is to develop a management plan that considers the risks of continued exposure, exposure limits, and the condition of the asbestos-containing materials. In some cases, removal of the asbestos may be required, while in others, proper containment and monitoring may be sufficient. It is critical that building owners and managers take appropriate action based on the findings of the risk assessment.


Asbestos risk assessment is a crucial step in managing ACMs in any building. It helps identify the risk level, which guides the response to minimize exposure to asbestos fibers. With the help of professionals, building owners in Arlington can ensure that their properties have safe and healthy indoor environments. Asbestos risk assessments are a critical tool in identifying the presence of asbestos in homes and buildings in Arlington, VA. Understanding the risks associated with asbestos and the importance of risk assessments is crucial for building owners, managers, and residents. It is essential to take immediate action to eliminate or contain the hazard to ensure the health and safety of those who live, work, or visit these buildings. Asbestos risk assessment is crucial for the health and safety of your family and your community. It helps in identifying and managing the potential risks of asbestos exposure in your building. If you suspect your home or office has asbestos-containing materials, you should seek a professional asbestos inspection. If you suspect that your building has ACMs, contact an accredited asbestos professional immediately. It is essential to take immediate action to eliminate or contain the hazard to ensure the health and safety of those who live, work, or visit these buildings. If you suspect that your home or building may contain asbestos, contact a licensed asbestos inspector to schedule a risk assessment and protect your health.

Understanding Asbestos Risk Assessment in Culpeper, VA

Asbestos is a hazardous mineral fiber, which exposure can lead to serious respiratory diseases and cancer. It is often found in building materials, such as insulation, roofing shingles, and flooring, used in older buildings. Due to its health risks, asbestos abatement is a serious matter that requires proper risk assessment, containment, and elimination by professionals. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of asbestos risk assessment in Culpeper, VA, and provide insight into the different methodologies, the urgency of timely evaluations, and how professionals gauge the requirement and gravity of actions for asbestos containment or elimination.


There are multiple methodologies used in asbestos risk assessment, but two are commonly cited: visual assessment and sampling surveys. Visual assessments are conducted by asbestos professionals who assess the condition of the building materials suspected of containing asbestos through a visual inspection. This methodology helps identify potential asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and determines whether the asbestos fiber is friable (easily crumbled) or non-friable (not easily crumbled). Sampling surveys involve taking physical samples of the building material and analyzing them to confirm whether they contain asbestos or not. This method is often used in preliminary testing of suspect ACMs, and it is conducted with minimum disruption of the building material and in a safe manner.

Urgency of Timely Evaluations:

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that can cause severe respiratory diseases such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. The danger of asbestos exposure lies in its microscopic fibers, which can become airborne when ACMs are disrupted, releasing fiber particles that can be easily inhaled. As a result, timely asbestos risk assessments are of utmost importance to mitigate any potential health hazards that might arise from exposure. If left untreated, asbestos can lead to serious health problems, including death in extreme cases.

Gravity and Required Actions for Asbestos Containment or Elimination:

After conducting asbestos risk assessments, asbestos professionals will provide recommendations to building owners, suggesting the best course of action based on the condition of the ACMs assessed. For instance, if the ACMs are in good condition, the professionals may recommend managing the asbestos materials in place instead of eliminating them, while for ACMs in poor condition, removal or encapsulation may be recommended. Additionally, if ACMs are heavily damaged or disturbed, professionals may recommend that the area or building be evacuated and isolated for cleanup and asbestos abatement to begin.

Asbestos risk assessment is crucial in ensuring the safety of building occupants from potential health hazards that may arise from exposure to asbestos. Different methodologies, such as visual assessment and sampling surveys, are used to evaluate ACMs. Timely assessments are of utmost importance to mitigate any potential health hazards, and professionals will provide recommendations for addressing and containing or eliminating ACMs based on their gravity. If you are a building owner or manager, seek the guidance of an asbestos professional to ensure the asbestos risks are effectively managed or eliminated.

What you Should Know About Asbestos in Arlington, VA

Asbestos may still exist in your home in Arlington, VA. Yes, that’s right. If you have an older home, you have a greater chance that asbestos–containing materials used in constructing your Arlington, VA home are still there. 

You should know products that could contain asbestos to keep your family living in a safe environment. Some of the common asbestos–containing products that could be lurking inside or around your home in Arlington, VA  are––

  • Brake pads
  • Bricks
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Cement
  • Flooring tiles
  • Boilers
  • Drywall
  • Gaskets
  • Insulation
  • Paint
  • Pipes
  • Plastics
  • Pumps
  • Roofing
  • Shingles
  • Valves
  • Talcum powder
  • Baby powder

As late as 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised consumers to stop using Claire’s Makeup products because they tested positive for asbestos. This particular brand of makeup is targeted toward teenagers.

To keep your family safe, be aware of any products in your home that may contain asbestos. It is extremely important that anytime you upgrade or remodel your house and doubt certain materials in your Arlington, VA home, call in the experts and have your home tested for asbestos. This way, you will know for sure should you want to make more changes in the future, and they can advise you on where to go from there.

Just because you may still have certain asbestos–containing materials inside your Arlington, VA home does not mean you need to go tearing any of it out. In fact, you shouldn’t be doing anything to suspected materials because if you tear, drill, cut, or do anything to them, you are stirring up asbestos fibers which will enter into the air, and eventually, your family would be breathing in these fibers.

Breathing in these fibers can be fatal. Usually, it takes years to detect health issues caused by asbestos exposure, but the end result can be fatal, if not deadly, extremely serious.

Some asbestos that is in good shape can just be left alone. It’s only when you need to remove asbestos–containing materials or tear into them somehow that it becomes a severe problem.

If you are concerned that your home in Arlington, VA may contain asbestos, call the experts at Envirotex Environmental Services. They can answer your questions, inspect your home, and remove any asbestos that may cause a problem.

Why Hire an Asbestos Contractor in Washington, D.C.?

Asbestos isn’t banned in the United States, although its use is limited. However, asbestos-containing materials (ACM) may still pose a threat to older buildings in Washington, D.C., because asbestos was common in building materials in homes, schools, and other structures built before 1980. If you find yourself with an older structure, you may need to hire an asbestos contractor.

When removing asbestos from your Washington, D.C. home or business, the safest and wisest decision would be to call an asbestos contractor. An asbestos contractor knows how to test for this toxic material properly and follows strict regulations and correct procedures in removing the asbestos while using the proper equipment to keep themselves and others safe from exposure.

Not all asbestos companies in Washington, D.C. are alike. Some only specialize in asbestos abatement, while others offer environmental services, including demolition services, such as Envirotex Environmental Services. An asbestos contractor is trained in preparing the work area, decontamination procedures, safety considerations in the abatement area, proper handling and disposal of asbestos waste, and proper use of personal protective clothing and respirators.

Homeowners or business owners in Washington, D.C. should never attempt to handle any asbestos removal independently. There are just too many dangers that come from handling asbestos that you want to make sure to hire an asbestos contractor who can remove the asbestos from the building in addition to any repairs that need to be done from the removal of the asbestos, such as carpeting, tile, drywall, or insulation.

Word of mouth is usually the best way to search for an asbestos contractor. Ask friends, neighbors, or co-workers in Washington, D.C. who they would recommend and if they have used the contractor recently. It would be best to search online to check for reviews for a particular asbestos contractor you are interested in hiring. Check if they are licensed to work in Washington, D.C.

If your reason for hiring an asbestos contractor is because you are remodeling your home or business, have a plan mapped out as to what areas in your home or business will be torn out and replaced. Some asbestos can be left in place if in good condition unless you wish to have it all removed for any future remodels you may have in mind. Always get several quotes from different asbestos contractors in Washington, D.C.

If you have any questions, please call the team at Envirotex.

How Dangerous is Asbestos When Found in Homes in Arlington, VA?

Asbestos–containing materials are still present in homes in Arlington, VA. Many of these homes were built before the 1980s. Ceiling, flooring, and roofing tiles were commonly made with asbestos; even the adhesive used to lay the tiles can be a source of exposure. Anytime these materials are disturbed through tearing up to replace old flooring tiles, or if these tiles are damaged through wear and tear, they release toxic dust into the air and can cause havoc to one’s health over prolonged periods.

Homeowners with older homes in Arlington, VA need to be aware of the products used in the construction of their homes. If unsure, you should call an environmental specialist such as the team at Envirotex Environmental Services. Specialists know what to look for, whereas homeowners have no way of knowing what products inside their homes contain asbestos.

If your Arlington, VA home was built before 1980, be on the lookout for these products which may contain asbestos.

  • Tiles—Ceiling, flooring, and roofing tiles were commonly made with asbestos. The adhesive used in applying flooring tiles is another source of exposure.
  • Cement—Cement containing asbestos was used in building materials because the fibers provided strength without adding much to its weight. The fire–resistant and insulating properties made it ideal for adding to cement. When cement made with asbestos weathers, it can cause exposure to toxic fibers.
  • Textiles—Asbestos was used to produce clothes to resist heat and corrosive elements, which included blankets, firefighter clothes, and ropes.

Some older consumer products at your home in Arlington, VA may contain asbestos, including appliances, potholders, ashtray coasters, hair dryers, fake snow, makeup, talcum powder, and zonolite insulation.

Asbestos exposure over a period of time can be extremely dangerous. Asbestos–related diseases include—

  • Mesothelioma
  • Asbestosis
  • Pleural plaques
  • Pleural effusions
  • Pleuritis
  • Diffuse pleural thichening
  • COPD

If you have any concerns about being exposed to asbestos, especially if you have health issues, see your doctor as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about asbestos–related products that you are questionable about at your home in Arlington, VA, please call Envirotex Environmental Services, and they will be glad to steer you in the right direction to ease your mind.

Should Woodbridge, VA Homeowners Be Worried About Asbestos Shingles?

One of the biggest threats to homeowners back in the day was for their house to go up in flames from a tiny spark. Roofing asbestos shingles made of hydraulic cement and asbestos were the standard for many years, giving homeowners the promise of a near fireproof roof with a 30–year lifespan. Because of its sturdy and fireproof capability, asbestos shingles soared in popularity in the early 1900s until health risks associated with asbestos materials became widely popularized and led to the nationwide banning in 1989.

Asbestos shingles aren’t easily detected by a visual marker, although there are a couple of ways to gauge whether you may have asbestos shingles on your home in Woodbridge, VA. The age of your home might be the best way to figure out if you have asbestos shingles. If your Woodbridge, VA home was built between the 1920s and 1986, there is a possibility that you may have asbestos shingles because they were a popular building material at the time.

The kind of shingles you have on your Woodbridge, VA home could also indicate if asbestos is present. Asbestos was commonly used with asphalt shingles and also mixed in cement shingles. Asbestos–cement shingles were more widely used on barns, older sheds, and low–income housing.

To know for sure whether your older home in Woodbridge, VA contains asbestos shingles, call the team at Envirotex for an asbestos inspection. Asbestos–containing materials are dangerous to the health of you and your family members. Only a trained professional will be able to tell whether your Woodbridge, VA home has asbestos shingles, siding, or other related asbestos–containing products in or outside your home.

Homeowners in Woodbridge, VA who live in older homes often times will want to make upgrades. Any renovations may present harmful situations to your family members if you do not know exactly what the materials you may be tearing out, sawing, drilling, or nailing into consist of. Before beginning any DIY or remodeling work at your older home in Woodbridge, VA, please consult environmental specialists such as the team at Envirotex Environmental Services.

Is Asbestos Siding Hanging on the Side of your Gainesville, VA Home?

Asbestos was used in home building materials and discontinued in the late 1970s or early 1980s. Are you wondering if asbestos siding is hanging on the side of your home in Gainesville, VA?

That would all depend on the age of your Gainesville, VA home. If your home is up to 100 years old or was built before the 1970s or 1980s, it could be covered in asbestos siding. The odds are extremely high if you still have the original siding on your Gainesville, VA home, and the siding seems to be made of cement.

Not all manufacturers added this material to siding, so even if your Gainesville, VA house was built before the 1970s or early 1980s, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have this harmful asbestos siding hanging on the side of your home. The only sure way to tell is to have an asbestos inspection.

However, if you do have asbestos siding and it is still in good condition with no signs of wear or tear, you should be safe. Just remember, as your house ages, the possibility of the asbestos siding degrading with time should be a concern so much that you may want to go ahead and take action now to correct it before it starts to chip or break off. Once this starts happening, the asbestos particles circulate into the air and may be inhaled by family members, which can cause dangerous health issues.

Although asbestos siding in good condition may not pose a threat, it may still have a negative impact on your home in Gainesville, VA. Most people consider asbestos siding very unattractive.

If you ever decide to sell your home, it could drastically reduce the resale value of your property in Gainesville, VA. Also, if some of the asbestos siding begins to wear down, it would be challenging to find siding to match beings asbestos siding is no longer manufactured.

Asbestos siding is something Gainesville, VA homeowners should be concerned about if they live in an older home. If you have any concerns about the siding on your home, call the experts at Envirotex and have them come out and inspect your home for any asbestos-containing materials to be on the safe side. More than likely, if you have asbestos siding on the outside, there may be asbestos-containing materials on the inside that should be inspected as well.

The Dangers of Asbestos Flooring in Arlington, VA

It would all depend on the year your home was built as to whether you may have asbestos flooring inside your home in Arlington, VA. Asbestos fibers released into the air are extremely dangerous to anyone who breaths in these fibers.

Manufacturers used asbestos in vinyl products, including vinyl asbestos floor tiles, vinyl sheet flooring, and vinyl wallpaper. These products were used in homes prior to 1980.

Some of the companies which produced asbestos flooring and wallpaper include Congoleum, National Gypsum Company, Sears and Roebuck, Kentile Floors, Armstrong World Industries, The Flintkote Company, Goodyear, American Biltrite, and GAF Corporation. Many of these products are most likely still in many homes in Arlington, VA.

Although vinyl materials are no longer produced with asbestos in the United States, some homeowners in Arlington, VA are still at risk of exposure if their vinyl products have some age on them.

What does this mean for the homeowner? If you have asbestos flooring and it is not damaged, you should be fine. But if you ever decide to tear the asbestos flooring up, you need to call in professionals such as Envirotex Environmental Services.

This is not a do–it–yourself project for the Arlington, VA homeowner. You put yourself at risk and that of other family members. Removing asbestos flooring or other asbestos–containing materials from your home in Arlington, VA should be left up to an asbestos removal technician.

Arlington, VA homeowners with asbestos flooring who cut, sand, or disturb the flooring make them friable and releases asbestos fibers. Inhaling or swallowing these fibers regularly over a long period can cause several illnesses, including Mesothelioma, lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, Asbestosis, and ovarian cancer.

Vinyl sheet asbestos flooring causes a significantly greater risk of asbestos exposure than floor tiles or wallpaper because it comes in larger pieces and most likely will be cut to the size of the room to be laid in one piece. The fibers are more easily released into the air with their friable asbestos backing when the vinyl sheet asbestos flooring is disturbed or damaged.

If you have any questions about asbestos–containing materials at your home in Arlington, VA, please give Envirotex a call, and they will be happy to help.

Protect Your Family by Hiring an Asbestos Contractor in Washington, D.C.

When you hire an asbestos contractor for your home in Washington, D.C., you are protecting your family against harmful materials that could contain asbestos. Removing asbestos–containing materials from your home should never be attempted by Washington, D.C. homeowners.

Because asbestos was used in so many common building materials years ago, if you have an older home in Washington, D.C., you and your family members could be at risk. Some of these building materials that you should be aware of include—

  • Roofing shingles and siding
  • Vermiculite installation, ceiling tiles, and coatings
  • Popcorn ceilings
  • Plaster, putties, and caulking
  • Drywall and cement sheets
  • Vinyl floor tiles
  • Pipe and duct coverings
  • Plumbing fixtures
  • Electrical switchboard panels
  • Thermal boiler and fireplace insulations

If you suspect any asbestos in your Washington, D.C. home, hire an asbestos contractor. They can inspect the premises of your home and send samples off for analysis. Once the analysis is complete, and you have been told you have asbestos–containing materials at your home in Washington, D.C., a plan to either remove or encapsulate the asbestos materials will be mapped out for you by the asbestos contractor.

Why is hiring an asbestos contractor critical? Inhaling or ingesting asbestos can develop into serious health issues, including mesothelioma, asbestosis, pleural plaques, and asbestos lung cancer. Professionals who handle asbestos wear special protective clothing and respirators to protect themselves against harmful fibers that may release into the air.

Sometimes asbestos can be encapsulated by covering it up with a protective barrier to reduce risks of exposure. Most often, your asbestos contractor will need to remove the asbestos–containing materials from the home in Washington, D.C.—

  • HVAC and electrical systems are disabled
  • Decontamination enclosure systems are put in place
  • Negative air pressure units are installed
  • Openings are sealed with plastic sheeting and duct tape
  • Wet wipe or the use of a HEPA vacuum is used to keep asbestos from becoming airborne
  • Removeable materials are placed in seal–tight containers  and transported to a safe disposal site for asbestos

For any questions about asbestos at your home in Washington, D.C., call the experts at Envirotex, an asbestos contractor serving your area.