Health Issues Caused by Asbestos in Arlington, VA Homes

Asbestos-containing materials are still oftentimes found in older homes in Arlington, VA. Asbestos fibers, when released into the air, are then inhaled or ingested. These fibers become trapped in the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, which can be removed; however, some pass deep into the lungs and if swallowed, into the digestive tract. Once these asbestos fibers are trapped within the body, these fibers cause health issues.

When asbestos is friable, it is easily crumbled and releases fibers into the air. Asbestos insulation that is sprayed on is highly friable, whereas asbestos floor tile isn’t. Ceiling tiles, floor tiles, shingles, siding shingles do not release fibers into Arlington, VA homes unless you disturb them or damage them in some way. For instance, if you drill into floor tiles or they become broken, this can release asbestos fibers into your home in Arlington, VA. But if you leave them alone, you should be safe.

Aging and physical impact by drilling, cutting, sanding, sawing, grinding, or buffing can break down these asbestos-containing materials at your Arlington, VA home, causing the fibers to release into the air more prevalent.

What Health Effects are Caused by Asbestos Exposure?

  • Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin membrane lining of the lungs, abdomen, chest, and sometimes even the heart. Those who are at risk are miners and textile workers in Arlington, VA that work with asbestos.
  • Lung Cancer is the most significant related deaths amid asbestos exposure. People who work in mining, manufacturing, and milling in Arlington, VA who use asbestos in their products, are at higher risk. Symptoms include persistent chest pains, hoarseness, anemia, and shortness of breath.
  • Asbestosis is a chronic, non-cancerous respiratory disease. Lung tissues are aggravated when asbestos fibers are inhaled, which causes scarring. Symptoms include shortness of breath and a dry crackling sound in the lungs when inhaling. Advanced stages can cause cardiac failure.

If you suspect any asbestos-containing materials at your Arlington, VA home, call in the experts at Envirotex Environment Service to handle the situation. Never attempt to handle asbestos on your own.