Consult an Asbestos Contractor Before Remodeling in Washington, D.C.

Many older homes are still standing in Washington, D.C. Some homeowners who like the charm of older homes are more apt to buy an older home and fix it up than buy a new home. These homeowners need to be aware then before any remodeling, and they should consult an asbestos contractor in Washington, D.C.

Older homes most likely have some forms of asbestos-containing materials. Building materials prior to 1970, such as roofing shingles, ceiling and floor tiles, insulation, popcorn ceilings, pipe cement, joint compound, and siding, could all be at risk for asbestos. Consulting with an asbestos contractor will give you peace of mind.

If you do come across any materials that you think contain asbestos, leave these materials alone. As long as they are not disturbed and are in good condition, not damaged or showing any wear or tear, you should be fine. Keep an eye on these materials for any future damage.

Meanwhile, if, by some chance, you want to upgrade your Washington, D.C. home, definitely have an asbestos contractor come and look at your situation before tearing anything apart. Please, by all means, take these precautions with any materials you suspect contain asbestos:

  • Do not sand, drill, cut, or hammer into any asbestos-containing material.
  • Do not vacuum, dust, or sweep any asbestos dust.
  • Use a wet rag to get up any asbestos dust that may have been released and seal in a thick plastic bag.
  • Call in an asbestos contractor.

An asbestos contractor can test your Washington, D.C. home for asbestos materials and then map out a plan for asbestos remediation. Removing and ridding your home of any asbestos-containing materials will make your older home a much safer place for you and your family.

Asbestos contractors have the proper equipment needed to safely remove any asbestos from your home in Washington, D.C., and also have the proper means of disposing of the materials. These asbestos-containing materials have to be taken to special waste sites.

Disturbing any asbestos-containing products at your home in Washington, D.C. will release asbestos fibers into the air that you breathe, and this is extremely dangerous. To avoid putting your family at risk, call in a professional asbestos contractor such as Envirotex. They will be glad to help you with any environmental issues you have at your Washington, D.C. home.