Finding Hidden Mold with Mold Inspections in Manassas, VA

Most strains of mold spread naturally throughout homes in Manassas, VA. Typically, if you see mold in one area of your home, there is a good chance it is elsewhere in the house as well. No doubt, if you see mold on your walls or the carpet, the chances are that mold is also behind your walls as well as under your carpet.

Finding hidden mold is difficult, and that is why you should hire the professionals at Envirotex Environmental Services for a mold inspection at your Manassas, VA home.

Hidden mold in your house that is overlooked, in time will spread; and eventually, you will be able to see it. By then, you will have a mold infestation that could have been avoided at an earlier stage. That is why it is imperative once you find any signs of mold in your Manassas, VA home, you have a professional mold inspection to determine if there is any hidden mold.

Hidden mold is generally found in places such as—heating, air conditioning and ventilation ducts, inside walls, and underneath flooring, above ceiling tiles, under wallpaper, in attics, chimneys, and crawlspaces.

Mold inspections are well worth the investment. So many times, homeowners will see a wall where there is noticeable mold growth and will do a home remedy to get rid of it. However, have they gotten rid of it? Probably not. It is always best to have mold inspections at first sight of any mold growth in your home in Manassas, VA.

Only ridding your home of mold that you can visibly see might be wasting time and money if there is other mold growing in your home. The mold will continue to grow and spread to other areas of the house.

With specialized equipment, mold inspections performed by the team at Envirotex Environment Services will find all hidden mold within your home in Manassas, VA and then map out a plan for you to rid the home of all mold.

The team at Envirotex can identify and remedy the moisture source that has been causing the mold growth or refer you to someone who can fix your moisture problem, depending on the cause. Once the mold growth has been located throughout your house in Manassas, VA during the mold inspection, addressing the water source is the first, next step; otherwise, removing the mold without fixing the water issue, is just prolonging another disaster down the road.