How is Asbestos Siding in Marshall, VA a Hazard?

Homes in Marshall, VA built between the 1920s and 1980s can still be found with asbestos siding. Asbestos siding was made by adding asbestos, which is a naturally occurring mineral, to Portland cement. The cement was pressed into siding shingles which came in a variety of textures and sizes. This product was extremely durable, fire-resistant and easily absorbed paint.

When is asbestos siding on homes in Marshall, VA a hazard?

  • If asbestos siding on your home in Marshall, VA is being cut, drilled, or broken into small pieces
  • If an entire section of your asbestos siding is breaking, cracking or disintegrating
  • If you plan on removing the asbestos siding to replace with new siding

These common situations are when you need to be concerned about asbestos siding on your home in Marshall, VA. If your asbestos siding is intact and in good condition, you can paint the siding, or you can replace the siding by installing new over the old.

Asbestos siding is not necessarily a hazard if you decide to remove the siding from your Marshall, VA home. Asbestos is a major safety issue when large amounts of asbestos are removed from indoors, and proper equipment is not used to capture and collect the asbestos fibers released into the air. Even when asbestos siding shingles crack and break, it is far less dangerous because it is outside and few fibers are released.

If you suspect you have asbestos siding on your home in Marshall, VA, have an asbestos inspection performed or if it is in good condition, just leave it alone. If you have any questions, call a professional asbestos environmental company, and they can answer your questions and make recommendations.

Although asbestos siding on homes in Marshall, VA rank low on the list of asbestos-containing materials, care and proper removal procedures should be followed at all times. It is always best to call an environment company which is equipped and knowledgeable about the protocol of dealing with asbestos siding and other asbestos-containing materials.