Asbestos Inspections Save Lives in McLean, VA

Asbestos is a microscopic mineral fiber known to cause asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma, an inoperable cancer contracted from breathing airborne asbestos fibers that become lodged in the lining around the lungs. Asbestos inspections in McLean, VA combined with transmission electron microscope (TEM) testing are the only way to positively identify asbestos. Before we understood the toxic effects of this substance, asbestos was a component of a variety of building products that added strength, insulation and fire resistance. These were highly prized qualities during the massive residential construction boom that followed World War II.

Contained asbestos remains safe. But as these homes age an innocent vibration can release dangerous asbestos fibers into the air. Only a reputable, licensed asbestos contractor in McLean, VA can safely inspect, test, and remove asbestos from your home.

During asbestos inspections a state-certified inspector collects air and material samples following standard industry protocols. The samples are sent to a specialized, accredited, independent laboratory for identification testing. Your qualified asbestos inspector can help you understand any asbestos lab reports and related asbestos inspection issues.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website explains your home may have damaged building materials, like crumbling drywall and insulation, that could contain asbestos. You simply won’t know by just looking at it, smelling it, or touching it. If you suspect your home may harbor an asbestos hazard, the EPA recommends you treat the material as if it contains asbestos and leave it alone. Contact a professional environmental services company to schedule an asbestos inspection by a trained and accredited asbestos professional.

After identifying and evaluating the presence of loose and controlled asbestos materials your asbestos contractor will develop a comprehensive plan for asbestos remediation. Be aware that remodeling projects, demolition permitting, updating your home plumbing or HVAC systems, and home inspections prior to a sale or purchase of real estate are typical triggers for asbestos inspection and testing.

The dangers of asbestos are far more prevalent than first imagined. Because thousands of people contract asbestos-related diseases each year, we know the imperative is serious. But the time between latent exposure and full-blown disease can range from 10-50 years, and this lag can be deadly.

In April, 2013 the US Senate passed Resolution 66 which designates the first week of April as National Asbestos Awareness Week. According to it “urges the Surgeon General to warn and educate people about the health hazards of asbestos exposure” and enters into the historical record factual evidence about the severity of asbestos-related diseases.

Asbestos inspections in McLean, VA can save lives. Contact Envirotex today to schedule your asbestos inspection in McLean, VA and rest assured that your home is safe from the dangers of asbestos.

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Envirotex Environmental Assessment Association Envirotex Indoor Air Quality Association Envirotex Associated Builders Contractors Member American Society of Home Inspectors C.L.I.A - Clandestine Laboratory Inspectors Association International Association of Certified Home Inspectors