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Hazardous Growth Risk and Mold Treatment in Washington, D.C.

Mold Treatment in Burke, VA

Mold Treatment in Washington, D.C. Rids Mold Contamination

8 Important Answers to Your Mold Treatment Questions

Mold treatment in Washington, D.C., gets rid of mold contamination, commonly found in areas of a home or building that has excess moisture. Though it can be tempting to think of mold as just “green stuff,” the fact is mold is a serious health risk.

Mold problems and mold treatment in Washington, D.C., are confusing for the average home or business owner. Here is a quick primer on what you need to know about this hazardous growth.

Envirotex is an accomplished, licensed environmental services contractor delivering mold treatment in Washington, D.C. We offer:

  • Comprehensive mold treatment in Washington, D.C. for home and business owners.
  • Envirotex licenses and certifications include: Asbestos Inspector license, Class A Commonwealth of Virginia contractor's license, EPA accreditation and OSHA certification.
  • The environmental professionals at Envirotex have state-of-the-art equipment, industry training, field experience and the required resources to safely and effectively perform mold treatment at your home or workplace.

What Causes Mold?

Mold needs water, nutrients, moderate temperatures and oxygen to grow. Wood, fabrics, and paper are excellent growing mediums because they are dead organic matter. Mold also grows on artificial materials like paint and adhesives because they can provide the necessary nutrients.

The most important element mold needs for steady growth in moisture. A few types can simply use moisture in the air if the humidity is above 70%. Almost all molds need temperatures that range from 40 degrees F to 100 degrees F. If it gets colder or hotter, they usually become dormant and inactive.

When the temperature returns to a moderate range, they start growing again. If it stays above 100 degrees F for an extended period, many molds will die off. The exact temperature for specific types of mold has not been determined.

How Does It Invade a Home or Building?

The growing mold you see in your home started out as a mold spore. A spore is a reproductive unit produced by the mold under specific conditions. They travel in clumps made up of genetic matter and chemical compounds.

Mold spores are tiny and can get into any type of structure. They commonly get around by traveling through the air and are found in high concentrations around dead matter. That could be a pile of fallen leaves in the fall or a manure or compost pile in a garden.

Mold treatment professionals in Washington, D.C., say that the spores grab onto people, pets, and items that are taken into a building and on air currents.

Is All Mold Harmful?

There are more than 100,000 types of mold. Homeowners, business people, contractors and medical staff have become more aware of the dangers of mold in general over the last three decades. But very few of the thousands of different molds have been studied in depth.

Healthcare professionals do agree that just a few of those cause infections and health problems in humans who are in a healthy state. In fact, most people can tolerate exposure to mold in a home or building in moderate amounts without experiencing health problems.

But those with compromised immune systems can become infected by other molds. The most common symptoms are allergies and asthma in people who are susceptible.

According to mold treatment experts in Washington, D.C., very few molds create strong chemicals called mycotoxins that can cause illness in most people and pets.

Does Everyone Around Mold Get Sick?

Mold isn’t good for you, but not everyone gets sick right away or to the same degree. Researchers have seen otherwise healthy people develop upper respiratory symptoms and coughs when they are exposed for extended periods to indoor mold.

Some people are genetically predisposed to react to mold more strongly than others. They develop sensitivities and allergic symptoms, especially if they also have asthma. Even a small amount of mold in their environment causes sickness. Symptoms include:

  • Wheezing
  • Eye irritation
  • Nasal stuffiness
  • Skin irritations

If a person has a chronic lung problem, he can actually develop mold infections in his lungs.

Work areas that have high mold exposure include:

  • Antique shops
  • Farms, especially areas around compost piles, manure piles, and moldy hay
  • Saunas and pools
  • Greenhouses
  • Flower shops
  • Construction areas
  • Mills

Workers who are around mold for long periods, like farmers who are close to moldy hay, may develop severe symptoms like fever and trouble breathing. These are areas that especially benefit from mold treatment in Washington, D.C.

How Much Exposure Is Dangerous?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. First off, it is important to know that mold spores are everywhere. You will never get rid of all of them. They are a natural part of the environment.

But individuals vary considerably with how they react to mold. Children are more susceptible, especially if under the age of one.

Exposure itself is an ambiguous term. It can mean the amount of mold that a person breathes in. It can also include how much they get by eating and from absorbing it through the skin.

For example, a building might have mold in the walls, which doesn’t get into the air that people breathe. In this case, the people who live or work there would have very little mold exposure.

Many scare tactics have been used when it comes to mold, like claiming all mold will eventually cause brain damage and death. These claims are not backed by science.

What is clear is that it is smart to reduce as much as possible your exposure to a moldy environment. That means getting mold treatment in Washington, D.C., as soon as you notice the problem in your home or work area.

Do Modern Construction Methods Make It Worse?

Modern buildings are constructed with energy efficiency in mind. This means that they are built more tightly and less exchange of air between the indoors and outdoors is possible. What gets into the building stays there.

Moisture gets into the air in one of these homes or buildings from a variety of activities like cooking and bathing. Because of the tight construction, the moisture lingers for a longer time than it would in a more open building. And moisture attracts mold. The mold spores that grow into the mold get into the building by traveling on people and pets.

So modern construction can to a limited extent promote mold. But the more likely scenario is that it will limit the growth. That is because well-constructed buildings have controlled ventilation throughout.

You don’t have to guess. A professional mold treatment company in Washington, D.C., can tell you if your building is contaminated.

How Do I Know If I Have Mold?

If you see black or green splotches, especially if they are fuzzy looking, in your basement or other areas of your home, it is probably mold. If the area smells musty, it is a good indication that mold is growing. Check storage boxes and the walls and crawl spaces to track down the source of the musty smell.

The best approach is to have a professional mold testing and remediation company like Envirotex do an inspection. They do a visual examination plus take surface and air samples. These are analyzed by an independent laboratory.

How Do I Get Rid of It?

The most effective way to get rid of mold is to call in mold treatment experts in Washington, D.C. A company like Envirotex has a trained team of experts who understand how to deal safely with mold problems. They wear proper gear to stay free from exposure. They have the latest industry-specific equipment that lets them find the source of the moisture that is causing the mold. They can safely take samples from the air and building surfaces and send it to an authorized lab for identification.

Doing the job yourself is hazardous. You will end up spreading the spores around, increasing the risk and level of exposure. Direct contact is not safe and can lead to allergic symptoms. And homeowners don’t have the equipment needed to thoroughly eliminate the mold right at the source. It will simply keep coming back.

When you use a professional mold treatment company in Washington, D.C., like Envirotex, you can be assured that the mold is completely eliminated. They get rid of the underlying moisture problem, which allows the mold to grow. If that isn’t stopped, then the mold will simply keep coming back.

Mold cleanup isn’t a do-it-yourself job. It is cost-effective and better for your peace of mind to have trained professional mold treatment crews to do the work in Washington, D.C.

Trust Experts

The professionals here at Envirotex have been doing mold testing and abatement since 2000. We understand the health and safety issues involved and have the expertise, equipment, and gear to do it thoroughly and safely. We handle the proper containment and removal of the mold, do a complete site decontamination and use certified labs for testing.

Envirotex uses advanced thermal imaging to detect the location of mold and moisture. This lets us quickly figure out the scope of the job and how to eliminate the problem at its source. Envirotex does a comprehensive job with mold problems, including:

  • Diagnose the problem in all types of buildings
  • Detect mold, identify the strain and get rid of it
  • Handle related plumbing and HVAC problems
  • Manage moisture problems and restore air quality

Envirotex pros have been serving the local community for over a decade, providing a range of environmental services. These include:

  • Mold removal and mold remediation
  • Asbestos abatement
  • Lead-based paint removal
  • Air duct cleaning and demolition
  • Meth labs and clandestine drug lab cleanup

Call the experts at Envirotex today for a free, no-obligation estimate for mold treatment in Washington, D.C.

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