Tips Regarding Lead Paint Testing In Leesburg, VA

Lead Paint Testing in Leesburg, VA

Lead is a highly toxic substance that can affect both children and adults. However, young children typically suffer from worse poisoning from lead-based paint than adults do. Lead poisoning can lead to the depression of mental and physical development in children, as well as increased blood pressure and nerve damage in adults. Lead pollution is something very serious to consider, especially if you are moving into or renovating an older home, which is more likely to contain lead-based paint.

Here are some tips concerning lead pollution and testing:

Children Should Get Regularly Tested.

If you live in an older community, you should take advantage of the available lead screening programs offered by your local health department, and have your children tested. Lead toxicity is incredibly dangerous to the health and development of your child and having them screened for traces of lead is vital to treating the issue before it becomes a serious health problem. The early symptoms of lead poisoning are easily confused with those of other common illnesses, which is why it is important for your child to get regularly screened to find any consistent or worsening occurrences. Some of these symptoms include fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, stomach pains, lowered attention span, restlessness, and constipation.

Get Your Home Tested For Lead.

There are two main methods used for testing surfaces for lead paint. These include Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers, and Paint Chip Sampling.

X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers measure the lead in the paint, without damaging it. This test is the fastest method to see results, however, it isn’t the most reliable since variations in paint deterioration can affect test results. That is when a paint chip sampling would need to be used.

Paint Chip Sampling is the use of a chisel or scraper to remove paint up to 4 inches of layer depth. This method removes all traces of lead paint, with the surface getting re-painted to prevent future contamination. Samples of paint chips get sent to an external lab for testing, and are the most detailed.

Educate yourself on the health effects lead paint can cause, how to get your child screened for lead, and how you can get your home tested by a professional lead paint testing company in Leesburg, VA.

About Envriotex Environmental Services

Established in Northern Virginia in 2000, Envirotex Environmental Services was founded on military service. While serving his country, the company's owner Mr. Freeman gained vast knowledge and experience in the environmental services field. His expertise in air monitoring and hazardous materials testing prepared him for his post-military career.

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