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Protect Your Family with Home Asbestos Inspections in Washington, D. C.

Asbestos Testing in Washington, 

Request Home Asbestos Inspections When Purchasing Homes in Washington, D.C.

Having a roof over your head is a critical component of being human. You might have worked hard to fulfill these basic needs, and you may now be a proud homeowner and no longer have to worry about accommodation.

Envirotex is a licensed, asbestos inspection and abatement contractor. We offer:

  • Safe and vigilant containment and removal following the highest safety procedures
  • Thorough site decontamination
  • Lawful disposal
  • All asbestos testing performed by an independent, certified lab

But, do you know that could be a source of future health implications for you? Before you signed on the purchasing agreement dotted line, did you request a home asbestos inspection in Washington, D.C? If not, you may want to call in the experts as soon as possible.

It is especially critical if the house you bought is an older one. If the records indicate that its construction was anywhere before the 80s, you need to read on for more information.

Why You Need Home Asbestos Inspections in Washington, D.C.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is malleable and flexible. It has, therefore, found a lot of use in industrial applications. The construction and automobile industry has been a beneficiary of its properties.

You may find it in many parts of the home because it has excellent insulation and fire–resisting qualities. It was a popular component for piping, furnaces, ceilings, and tiles. Some adhesives and textured paint may also contain asbestos.

In–depth research has been done on the negative impact of asbestos. It may have led to the decision by many countries to ban its use altogether. However, there are countries such as the United States that continued to use asbestos.

It is, therefore, possible that even the newer homes may contain some material that has it. Manufacturers will put labels on such materials to alert consumers.

However, the older homes may not have such labels. You can also fail to tell the presence of asbestos by simply looking at it.

There are six varieties of asbestos. The similarity they share is that long–term exposure to them can lead to severe health conditions. In a stable or non–friable state, asbestos is not dangerous. It is, however, vital that it remains in that condition.

In a friable state, the needle–like fibers can find their way into the atmosphere. You may, at this very moment, be inhaling asbestos without your knowledge. Since you cannot see the fibers, your health could unknowingly be at risk.

It is crucial to get a home asbestos inspection in Washington, D.C. Use the services of a professional company such as Envirotex. We train our technicians on proper identification and handling techniques.

Why Asbestos in the Home Should Be a Concern

Research has linked long–term exposure to asbestos to serious health complications. Such include various cancers, with the most common being mesothelioma. It can also cause asbestosis that results in the scarring of fibrous tissue.

Unlike other toxic substances, asbestos does not leave the body. It does not flush out of the system once it finds its way in. Yet, you may not even know that something is wrong for up to 20 to 30 years. By the time you seek medical intervention, it may be too late.

You may, however, note some signs that could be an indicator of developing problems. Such include wheezing or a crackling sound when you breathe.

You may also experience chest pains. The symptoms will keep recurring, letting you know that it is not a common cold. It is critical to seek medical advice immediately when you notice the symptoms.

When Should You Get an Asbestos Home Inspection?

It is crucial to get home asbestos inspections if:–

  • You think it may contain asbestos
  • You are planning to purchase a home
  • You are planning to carry out any renovations or remodeling
  • There has been damage to the home. Check for insulation or dry walls that may seem to crumble or fall apart.

With the above in mind, contact professionals to do the inspection. Such experts have the relevant knowledge to identify signs of asbestos. They will collect samples and send them to specialized labs for testing.

Do note; it is not a good idea to carry out the process independently unless you have the proper training and are not depending on DIY tutorials.

Do I Need a Specific Home Inspection for Asbestos?

You could have found your dream home and might have requested a home inspection report. It is essential to realize that home inspections do not necessarily include a check for asbestos. You must specify to the seller that you need the report.

Unless you're buying commercial property, the onus is on you to request it. You can only seek legal intervention if the seller sold you the house with the full knowledge that it contains asbestos but did not disclose it to you.

You will, of course, have to prove that he had such knowledge. When looking for a company to carry out a home asbestos inspection in your Washington, D.C. home, ask for certification. It is an area of specialization, and not all home inspectors have the relevant training.

Look for industry expertise as a good indication of the kind of service you will get. At Envirotex, for example, we have been in the asbestos identification, inspection, and removal for over 30 years.

We have clients who can attest to our level of professionalism and quality of service. Do not compromise the health and safety of you and your loved ones. Contact the right people to do the job so that you can enjoy peace of mind within your domicile.

What to Expect After an Asbestos Inspection

If the lab reports show that there is asbestos in the property, you can expect the following recommendations. Do note; the experts look at the state of the asbestos to decide on the course of action.

  • Remediation

Remediation is applicable in the case that the asbestos is still in a stable state. That means there has been no disturbance, and it is in its original form. When it is like this, there is no risk of inhaling the fibers. It only becomes dangerous if it crumbles and finds its way into the atmosphere.

Remediation can include encapsulation using special wraps. The experts can also use sealants for coating or binding the fibers together. They will then cover up the area to reduce any chances of anyone messing with the asbestos.

  • Removal

We recommend removal if the asbestos is in a friable state. It is an expensive option but the safest because it gets rid of the asbestos from the property. We remove and replace the parts that contain asbestos.

The process is involving because of the delicate handling of the asbestos–containing material. We then dispose of it, ensuring you have a safe environment to come back to.

Depending on the severity of the situation, we may recommend that you look for alternative accommodation during the removal process.

Choosing Between Removal or Remediation

Despite the expense, removal is an excellent option to consider. It gives you freedom with the changes you can make on the property in the future. Let's take the example that you want to renovate your house, but you have non–friable asbestos on the property; there is only so much you can do. Before starting any work, you may still need to remove it.

Some of the renovation jobs will include sawing, hammering, and sanding. If you do it close to the asbestos–containing material, it may destabilize it. It can quickly turn into a friable state, which is extremely dangerous.

Sometimes it could even be factors outside of your control. If you live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, it could cause structural damage to your house. Such damage could happen on some of the structures that contain asbestos.

That is why experts would recommend that you go with the option of removing. It helps you take care of the problem once and for all. However, it is a good option.

Another thing you may need to consider is the location of the mineral. When it is out in the open, the danger of destruction can be more significant. If it is in a more enclosed area that no one visits, you may not need to worry much about it.

Call Envirotex for Asbestos Remediation and Removal Today

Let the experts carry out your home asbestos inspections in Washington, D.C. Envirotex has been serving clients with such requirements for over 30 years. Our teams have the highest level of training to handle the delicate task of asbestos remediation and removal.

We are ready at your convenience for a consultation. Start the conversation by filling in the form on our website.

About Envriotex Environmental Services

Established in Northern Virginia in 2000, Envirotex Environmental Services was founded on military service. While serving his country, the company's owner Mr. Freeman gained vast knowledge and experience in the environmental services field. His expertise in air monitoring and hazardous materials testing prepared him for his post-military career.

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