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Critical Factors to Consider About Home Asbestos Inspections in Manassas, VA

Home Asbestos Inspections in Manassas, VA.

Home Asbestos Inspections for Home Buyers in Manassas, VA

Do you plan to buy a home in Manassas, VA? How old is the home you wish to buy? If you plan to buy a home built in the 80s or older, you need to know about asbestos.

One of the materials that many contractors used in some parts of the home was asbestos. You may find it in specific parts like insulation for fire or heat. You may also find it in ceilings, walls, or the floor.

Envirotex is a licensed, asbestos inspection and abatement contractor. We offer:

  • Safe and vigilant containment and removal following the highest safety procedures
  • Thorough site decontamination
  • Lawful disposal
  • All asbestos testing performed by an independent, certified lab

Perhaps you may be wondering, what does all that have to do with the home you may want to buy? Read on for the answer in our home asbestos inspections in Manassas, VA, article below.

What Should You Know About Asbestos?

Asbestos is a durable and malleable silicate mineral fiber that provides different functionalities. This could explain why it was a popular material in the construction industry. You could also find it in certain car parts like brake linings and gaskets. The use of asbestos in buildings continued until as late as the 80s.

However, research began to show severe health implications associated with long-term asbestos exposure. Asbestos can be more harmful because symptoms may not present for up to 20 or 30 years. When they do, it is usually at a critical level, which could even result in fatalities. Some people developed cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.

You may be experiencing signs of asbestos exposure and not even know it. Some of the symptoms include wheezing, chest pain, or difficulty in breathing. Unfortunately, all the signs we have just mentioned are what you might experience with the common cold. Before you get the right kind of help, you may have plaque and fluid buildup in your lungs.

If you notice any recurring episodes of the symptoms, please seek medical treatment. The doctors will be able to determine the exact cause, which could include asbestos exposure.

There are up to six different asbestos types. However, the most common type is chrysotile. It is critical to consider home asbestos inspections in Manassas, VA, if you're acquiring an older property. Nonetheless, private homeowners do not have to conduct asbestos inspections.

Commercial property owners must, however, carry out such inspections. Home inspectors will also not typically carry out an asbestos test unless you ask for it.

You want to stay away from the possibilities of exposure to the dangerous element. This is why you need a reputable, professional company such as Envirotex to carry out an asbestos home inspection.

Home Asbestos Inspections in Manassas, VA; Information You Must Have

It is not possible to detect asbestos with the naked eye. You need special equipment and necessary lab tests to identify it. That's why it is vital to get accurate information about home asbestos inspections in Manassas, VA.

Let's find out some facts about asbestos below.

Asbestos will be dangerous once it is airborne. When you call us in, we will check the state of the material. There are two specific classifications we must first determine before advising on the right course of action.

  • Is it in a friable state? If yes, it means the risk of it crumbling is high. Once it crumbles, the particles go into the air, and you might end up breathing them in. Minimal exposure may not be dangerous. However, long-term exposure can lead to health implications. This is when we may have to get rid of it or take the necessary remediation measures.
  • In its non-friable state, the risk associated with asbestos is minimal. It means the fibers are still together such that none of the asbestos can find its way into the atmosphere. In this case, we would want to keep it as it is. We will not disturb it at all. Instead, we would recommend remediation and not removal. We will clarify in detail below what these terms imply.

Some clients often inquire whether they can inspect for asbestos on their own. Here is what you need to note:-

  • Unlike mold or mildew, you will not see asbestos with the naked eye. You need special equipment to detect them.
  • The home inspectors will take some samples from areas that are likely to have asbestos. Such include furnaces, steam pipes, floor tiles, and cement sheets.
  • Other places include decorative and soundproofing material, roofing, door gaskets, and boilers.
  • The collection of the samples is a delicate task. The home inspectors must ensure that the asbestos does not get airborne. Sawing, sanding, and scrapping can release the fibers into the atmosphere. That's why we do not advocate that you take on the job yourself. We have special equipment and gear that we use for this task.
  • Professional companies must undertake relevant training and certification. When looking for a company to contract, insist on seeing proof of expertise and references from their clients.
  • The sample then goes to the lab for the relevant tests. Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) are some of the processes.

Once we get the relevant feedback, we will advise you appropriately on the next course of action.

What to Do if There's Asbestos in the Building

If we discover asbestos within your home, we will typically recommend two courses of action. The steps we may take will depend on the level of asbestos and the state it is in.

  • Removal

Removing asbestos from the property depends on whether it is in a friable state. It means that some of the particles may be finding their way into the atmosphere. Whenever you keep breathing in such air, you risk your health further for serious health issues like cancer. Do note; we will typically not recommend removal unless it is necessary.

The process is usually complicated and time-consuming. It can also turn out costlier. You may, for example, require the total replacement of some of the parts containing asbestos. If, for example, the ceiling has friable asbestos, we may need to replace everything. Your health is more important, so if we determine that exposure levels are high, removal would be the only option we will avail to you.

  • Remediation

Remediation or repair is where we try to control the situation. We recommend it when the asbestos is in a non-friable state. Our main aim here would be to maintain the asbestos in its state. That means not disturbing it in any way. We can seal or cover it using a protective wrap.

The two alternatives are cost-effective while allowing you to continue enjoying your home without worrying about asbestos exposure.

When buying a home, you can negotiate removal or remediation costs with the seller. Remember, private homeowners do not, under the law, need to carry out a home inspection. Under the same law, the homeowner should alert you whether they know if there's asbestos present.

If they fail to disclose the information, you can sue them. Some sellers may be willing to share the cost with you; others may not. Based on the nature of the feedback, you can choose whether to go on with the purchase or not.

Even if the asbestos is in a non-friable state, it may impact what you can do with the home going forward. Any forthcoming renovations may disturb the asbestos, possibly causing its release to the environment. You may still end up incurring the cost of removal or remediation before starting any work on the house.

Do You Need a Home Asbestos Inspection in Manassas, VA?

For a long time now, Envirotex has been helping thousands of homeowners to inspect and remove asbestos professionally. We have given you a lot of information on asbestos and home inspections. You may, however, still have some questions that we could help answer.

We are a team of experts with relevant training in asbestos remediation. Therefore, if you wish to reinstate your home to a safe environment, we are here for you. If you also plan to buy an older house in Manassas, VA, we will highly recommend that you seek a home inspection first. Do not wait until asbestos exposure gets to critical levels. Please get in touch with us by providing your details in the form available on our website, and we will get back to you immediately.

About Envriotex Environmental Services

Established in Northern Virginia in 2000, Envirotex Environmental Services was founded on military service. While serving his country, the company's owner Mr. Freeman gained vast knowledge and experience in the environmental services field. His expertise in air monitoring and hazardous materials testing prepared him for his post-military career.

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