Home Asbestos Inspections in Gainesville, VA

Asbestos Testing in Gainesville, VA

What Needs to be Done After Home Asbestos Inspections in Gainesville, VA

When you are in the process of planning to buy a house, it is crucial to allow the experts to inspect it. You may save yourself from future stress by taking this action. The experts can identify issues with the house that you cannot see and which only those with the right knowledge can. You may, for example, get advice on structural issues and so much more.

Envirotex is a licensed, asbestos inspection and abatement contractor. We offer:

  • Safe and vigilant containment and removal following the highest safety procedures
  • Thorough site decontamination
  • Lawful disposal
  • All asbestos testing performed by an independent, certified lab

When buying an older home, you may need asbestos inspections in Gainesville, VA. Asbestos in some of the construction material can be a concern. Perhaps you may know that asbestos can lead to health implications; but, you may have never really thought about it until you begin the process of looking for a home.

At Envirotex, we usually get many questions concerning asbestos. Further, clients wish to know whether a home inspection is worth the investment. We will share with you pertinent information in our article below.

Home Asbestos Inspections in Gainesville, VA; What You Need to Know

It is crucial to know that you cannot spot asbestos with naked eyes. Some of the construction material may have labels indicating the presence of asbestos. But, unfortunately, more often than not, it will not be the case.

If you think there is asbestos, it is important to call in the home inspectors. The experts will collect samples and send them to a lab for testing. The collection of samples is a risky task.

The person handling the sample will have the relevant equipment and gear for the task. The precaution is necessary because inhalation of asbestos fibers is dangerous. We will explain this a little more in the article. But first, it helps to understand what asbestos is.

What is This Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber. Despite being hazardous, it is a popular material in construction, motor, and other industrial applications.

Asbestos has many properties that make it an ideal component for construction material. It is malleable, heat resistant, and provides excellent insulation. You may also find it in spray–on treatments for ceilings and so much more.

Many parts of your home may have asbestos–containing material. Such include ceilings, floors, and pipe insulations. Even the vehicle you drive may contain some. Asbestos was common in brake linings and gaskets.

Asbestos in a stable form is not dangerous. When in a non–friable state, the fibers are intact. Therefore, there is no danger of inhaling it. However, in a friable state, the asbestos can crumble and become airborne.

Now, here is why you need to worry. The asbestos crumbles into tiny needle–like fibers. They are so tiny that you cannot see them. Worst of all, they can stay in the air for hours, in some cases even days. Once you inhale the fibers, they take residence in your body and never leave. Other toxins may flush out of your system, but not asbestos.

We go back to the point about why asbestos is a popular industrial material. It is virtually indestructible. It does not react to heat or chemicals. It remains stable in whatever environment, meaning it doesn’t dissolve or evaporate.

Asbestos in the Friable State is Dangerous

A home asbestos inspection in Gainesville, VA, is a good idea if you purchase a home built in the 80s and before. You may ask why; it was not until the 80s that some countries applied restrictions on the use of asbestos. At least 60 countries globally imposed total bans.

Unfortunately, countries like the United States did not ban it, and you may still find it in some industrial applications. Yet, the statistics around asbestos–related fatalities should be cause for concern. 39,000 Americans lose their lives due to asbestos–related conditions every year. More than 1.3 workers are at risk every single day.

The bad news for US homeowners is that asbestos may still exist in modern homes. Without the ban on its use, you may find it in the vinyl floor covering and laminate. The good news is that the manufacturing process locks the asbestos by combining it with other products. It binds the fibers and poses no danger to you.

Long–term exposure can lead to mesothelioma and cancers of the lungs, ovary, and larynx. Other conditions though non–cancerous, include asbestosis, pleural plaques, and effusions.

Asbestos is sneaky in its devastation. It can take even 30 years before you start to see any symptoms. Secondly, there are six types, and they are all dangerous. A home asbestos inspection in Gainesville, VA, should not be something you overlook.

What Does a Home Inspection Entail?

Do you find that when you touch specific parts in your home, the material seems to crumble? You may notice this when you touch the cloth around the insulation pipes. Okay, we are not saying that it is asbestos. But, we are also not saying it is not. So it is a perfect idea to call in the experts to let you know exactly what you could be dealing with.

When we come into the home, we aim to establish two things. The first is whether the building material contains asbestos. For this, we collect samples from likely spots. The sample goes to the lab for specialized testing using specific equipment. If there is asbestos, we must determine what state it is in. This will determine what we recommend.

If it is in a non–friable state, we typically recommend that you leave it alone. In this case, we will seal it to avoid any chances of it becoming airborne. This action may, however, have an impact on what you can do in the future.

Renovations or remodeling can disturb the asbestos. Sanding, grinding, or cutting through the material can make it friable. If you make any changes to the home, you may want to consider removing it from the property.

In a friable state, we recommend removing the material that contains the asbestos. This option can be costly because it may require total parts replacement.

Who Bears the Cost of the Asbestos Home Inspection and Subsequent Actions?

If you are buying a home, the request for the home inspection comes from you. It, therefore, means you are liable for the cost of the home asbestos inspection in Gainesville, VA. However, some sellers may be willing to share the cost with you. If they are not, you can decide whether to proceed with the purchase or not.

Can The Law Protect You if The Homeowner Does Not Disclose Asbestos Information?

If the home seller was aware that the property contains asbestos, the law requires them to disclose the information to you. If they do not, and you can prove they knew, you have grounds for legal recourse. Ironically, the same law does not require homeowners to carry out asbestos home inspections. The same applies even when they are selling, so you may have a challenge proving they knew. Commercial property owners, on the other hand, need to inspect for asbestos.

Is the Presence of Asbestos a Deal–Breaker?

The answer is not that simple to give. If the asbestos is in a stable condition, it poses no threat to you or your family. But, it limits you in what you can do within the home. Remodeling, for example, may require asbestos removal. If the cost is not prohibitive, it should not be a deal–breaker. There are also some dos and don’ts of living in a house with asbestos. You will need to minimize the activities in the areas containing the asbestos. Do not, under any condition, try and remove the asbestos on your own. Unless, of course, you have the relevant experience and tools.

Let Envirotex Handle the Home Asbestos Inspections in Gainesville, VA, for You

Envirotex has been in the asbestos remediation and removal business for over 30 years. We have invested in proper training and equipment for our staff. Before moving into a new home, it is crucial to carry out a home inspection. You want a safe environment for you and your family. Our team is at hand for a consultation. Please fill in the form on the website, and we will get in touch with you. Do not forgo your dream home when there is professional help at hand.

About Envriotex Environmental Services

Established in Northern Virginia in 2000, Envirotex Environmental Services was founded on military service. While serving his country, the company's owner Mr. Freeman gained vast knowledge and experience in the environmental services field. His expertise in air monitoring and hazardous materials testing prepared him for his post-military career.

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