Stay Safer with a Professional Environmental Cleanup in Gainesville, VA

Environmental Cleanup in Gainesville VA

In Gainesville, VA, environmental cleanup work is best left to the professionals. It’s natural for the weekend handyman to think he can save some money by doing the work himself. This happens a lot when a homeowner suspects his older home might contain asbestos, a very common building material from the 1900s through 1970s.

Is it a good idea to do it yourself? The experts say definitely not! Asbestos is a dangerous, toxic material. When a person inhales it, in the form of microscopic dust and fibers, it can cause lung disease, cancer, and other conditions, which are often fatal.

Not only do you put yourself at risk when you try to do the job yourself, but you will also almost always make the problem worse. Asbestos is not a danger in older structures until it is released into the environment. This happens as a building deteriorates when it is damaged, and during remodeling and renovation. When you go poking around, trying to find the location of asbestos in your home, the impact will release fibers into the air you and your family breathe.

You’ll stay safer, and the job will be done thoroughly and safely when you hire a professional team, like Envirotex. They follow stringent safety and scientific procedures for all asbestos jobs. With years of experience in all aspects of environmental cleanup in Gainesville, VA, they are the go-to asbestos experts in the area.

Envirotex handles everything related to asbestos cleanup, including:

  • Inspecting the building
  • Testing for asbestos, using an independent and approved laboratory
  • Containing the asbestos, removing it and legally disposing of it
  • Decontaminating the building, so it is safe to use

Safety is priority number one when Envirotex does the job. They have the protective gear and training to do a thorough job without releasing more asbestos into your home or office. They use state-of-the-art equipment, including thermal imaging tools. Since asbestos shows up in so many old construction materials, including linoleum, pipes, roofing, siding, ceilings, plaster, stucco and ducts, it takes an experienced technician to find all the sources.

Envirotex, the Asbestos Removal Experts

Envirotex has been helping home and business owners, just like you, for almost two decades. In that time, they have earned a reputation for thoroughness and attention to detail. The company was started by a military man. He learned to follow exacting procedures in the service, where he did air monitoring and hazardous materials testing. Those same high standards are used on every job.

Envirotex technicians are all certified and licensed. The company is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. In addition to asbestos cleanup, they handle mold testing and removal, duct cleaning, lead-based paint removal, and cleanup of meth labs and other drug labs.

For a free, no-obligation estimate for environmental cleanup in Gainesville, VA, call the experts at Envirotex today.

About Envriotex Environmental Services

Established in Fairfax, VA in 2000, Envirotex Environmental Services was founded on military service. While serving his country, the company's owner Mr. Freeman gained vast knowledge and experience in the environmental services field. His expertise in air monitoring and hazardous materials testing prepared him for his post-military career.

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