Is Asbestos Abatement Still Needed in Warrenton, VA?

Asbestos Abatement in Warrenton, VA

Call Envirotex for an Asbestos Abatement in Warrenton, VA

As each new year comes, people begin to question once again whether asbestos abatement is still needed in Warrenton, VA. With asbestos materials having been banned across the US in 1976 it seems that the odds of asbestos still remaining in your home are slim. However, what many people don’t realize is that even after the ban companies were still allowed to use remaining materials, houses built as late as 1985 may still have been built with asbestos insulation. This means that if your Warrenton, VA home is more than 30 years old, then there are good odds that there may still be materials containing asbestos within your home.

Envirotex is a licensed environmental services contractor experienced with asbestos abatement in Warrenton, VA. We offer:

  • State-of-the-art, scientifically-based asbestos abatement in Warrenton, VA for home and business owners.
  • Envirotex licenses and certifications include: Asbestos Inspector license, a Class A Commonwealth of Virginia contractors license, EPA accreditation, OSHA certification, and a Virginia aerosol monitoring & analysis certificate.

Asbestos Abatement in Warrenton, VA Could Save Your Family’s Health

If you care about the safety of your family, it is important to have an asbestos abatement completed on your home before long. A proper asbestos abatement removes the problems that asbestos can wreck on your family. If you begin to see signs of asbestos in your home, it is important to have an asbestos abatement team handle the project before long. If you put off an asbestos abatement for too long, then the asbestos may begin to have negative health effects on your family. Since asbestos diseases can remain dormant for many years, it will be hard to tell whether or not it is already too late. However, there is no better time than now to get the issue dealt with by hiring a professional asbestos abatement team.

As a company that has been working in the Warrenton, VA area for years, we will do everything in our power to keep you safe. Asbestos abatement is one of the many services that Envirotex offers in the Warrenton, VA area, and we encourage you to take full advantage of it. If you have any more questions about asbestos abatement in Warrenton, VA, please don’t hesitate to call. In the long run, the one that will be affected the most is you.

About Envriotex Environmental Services

Established in Northern Virginia in 2000, Envirotex Environmental Services was founded on military service. While serving his country, the company's owner Mr. Freeman gained vast knowledge and experience in the environmental services field. His expertise in air monitoring and hazardous materials testing prepared him for his post-military career.

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