The Dangers Of Demolition - Why You Should Let The Professionals Handle It

Business and homeowners alike throughout the Prince William County VA area often are faced with remodeling projects, renovations or even new construction projects that require the demolition of structures. Whether it is the demolition of an old barn, removing an attic to make way for a new floor in your home, or renovating an old building into a new, modern design, demolition may sound like fun, but can be dangerous as well.

Who doesn't like the idea of smashing walls or bashing through floors with sledge hammers? Or ripping out door frames with crow bars? Even though it sounds like every toddlers dream, professional demolition companies like Envirotex know the dangers associated with demolishing buildings in the Virginia Beach, VA area.

Beyond the apparent dangers of using heaving equipment in somewhat confined spaces, many people do not consider the other non-apparent dangers associated with demolition. Health concerns are a growing problem in the demolition area, especially when the structure in question is an old factory, warehouse or even older homes.

Asbestos is one major concern that should raise flags for anyone considering demolition. Asbestos is considered by many in the industry one of the largest threats possible. The small, thread-like fibers were once thought to be the best material to use in insulation, sheetrock, pipe insulation and many other types of building materials. However, in recent years, the link between asbestos and often-fatal health conditions such as cancer or mesothelioma has brought the dangers of demolition to the forefront.

Experienced demolition professionals understand the risks, and have the training and experience to deal with potential hazards appropriately. Rather than throwing caution to the wind and banging down the walls, professional demolition experts assess the situation and know the precautions that must be taken to avoid exposure to these dangerous, and potentially fatal, compounds.

For more information on demolition safety, and to consult with professional selective deconstruction team members, contact Enivrotex today. Envirotex has highly qualified and trained teams with extensive demolition experience and the latest state-of-the-art demolition equipment to meet your specific needs and ensure the protection of your investment and the environment.

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Envirotex Environmental Assessment Association Envirotex Indoor Air Quality Association Envirotex Associated Builders Contractors Member American Society of Home Inspectors C.L.I.A - Clandestine Laboratory Inspectors Association International Association of Certified Home Inspectors