How to Prevent House Mold in Northern VA

The best way to prevent house mold at your home in Northern VA is through moisture control. There are several ways to curb moisture inside your home and prevent mold growth.

Take an Audit—Look for areas of your home in Northern VA that are prone to house mold growth. Does your basement flood? Are you noticing frequent condensation around your windows? Any stains on the ceiling from a persistent leak? In order to prevent house mold from growing or spreading, it may be as simple as ripping up carpet in a damp basement or replacing damaged house gutters. Preventions now will save you in mold remediation later.

Dry Areas Thoroughly and Immediately—House mold needs moisture to grow. Anytime you have a leaky pipe or a spill on your carpet, it needs to be dried within 24 to 48 hours to avoid house mold from growing. Avoid leaving wet articles of clothing lying around. You should hang any wet items up to dry either outside or in an area with good air circulation.

Proper Ventilation—Proper ventilation in your laundry room, bathroom, kitchen, or any other high– moisture area of your home in Northern VA can prevent house mold. Ensure proper ventilation for clothes dryers and cookstoves and use AC units and dehumidifiers during humid climates in Northern VA. When cooking, showering, or washing dishes, either open up a window or run an exhaust fan to rid your home of excess moisture.

Clean or Fix Gutters—Keep your gutters cleaned out and repaired as needed to prevent roofs from leaking.

Keep Water Away From House—Water can collect and seep into your basement if the ground around your home in Northern VA is not properly sloped away from the foundation.

Maintain Humidity Levels—Keep indoor humidity levels between 30 and 60 percent. You can measure humidity by purchasing a moisture meter from your local Northern VA hardware store. Pay attention to problem areas inside that have condensation, such as windows, pipes, and walls. Any time you notice any condensation, you should dry the surface area immediately and address the source of moisture.

If you have any questions or concerns about house mold, call Envirotex Environmental Services.