How to Avoid a Costly Mold Treatment in McLean, VA

Homeowners should always be on the lookout for mold growth in homes. Overlooking the following will end up costing you more in mold treatments in McLean, VA:

  • Failure to ignore stains or discolorations on materials such as drywall, carpet, and wood when first noticed will, no doubt, cost you more in mold treatments for damaged property at homes in McLean, VA.
  • Failure to identify where mold might be coming from will continue to cost you in excessive mold treatments until you fix the problem including leaky pipes, roofs or windows. Any overflow of water in your home in McLean, VA, if left unattended, within 48 hours can allow mold to grow within your home.
  • Failure to investigate moldy, mildew smells within your home can cause massive damage to the back side of your drywall or paneling, the underside of carpet or vinyl, the top side of ceiling tiles or your wooden studs. Any mold, musty odors should be looked into as soon as possible to avoid a mold infested home costing a significant amount in mold treatments and repairs and quite possibly unexpected doctor bills. So many times allergies or flu-like symptoms are misdiagnosed as such but actually come from being exposed to mold growth inside homes in McLean, VA.

A professional environmental services company should be called once you have any warning signs of mold growth. They will take the proper precautions in handling mold-related materials, taking samples of different materials and sending to a certified lab to identify the type of mold.

Professionals have the up-to-date tools including moisture meters, infrared cameras, and borescopes to detect the mold spore count and find hidden mold that isn’t visible to the naked eye. Once the mold is identified, a crew will come in and remove some of the moldy materials and perform certain mold treatments to other materials to rid all mold growth. Proper containment and HEPA vacuums are necessary when removing mold-related materials. Professionals are equipped with the proper clothing, gloves, and respirators and goggles to protect them from the dangers of breathing in mold spores when disturbing the mold-related materials during the treatment, removal, and cleanup.

Reducing humidity in your home in McLean, VA can easily be done by venting appliances such as clothes dryers. Always use air conditioners or dehumidifiers when needed. While bathing or showering, run your bathroom fan or open a window. When cooking, use your exhaust fan or open a window, the same when running your dishwasher or washing dishes. Paying attention to these easy things that you can control can avoid future mold treatments for your home.