Precautions to Take for Asbestos Removal at Homes in Arlington, VA

Homeowners in Arlington, VA who suspect asbestos-containing materials in their homes should first call a professional asbestos inspector who will assess the need for asbestos removal. The asbestos inspector should not be connected with the asbestos removal company who does the actual removal of the asbestos materials from your Arlington, VA home.

The asbestos inspector should supply you with a complete visual inspection and a collection of samples taken from your home in Arlington, VA for laboratory analysis. Once asbestos is determined, the inspector should provide you with a written evaluation of the damage and recommendations for removal.

After the inspection, an asbestos contractor hired for the removal of the asbestos should give you a written contract with the asbestos removal plan and cleanup for your home in Arlington, VA.

Make sure your asbestos removal contractor follows these safety precautions—

  • The worksite is clearly marked as a hazardous area.
  • No one is allowed in the work area other than the professional asbestos removal team.
  • The work area is sealed off from the rest of your Arlington, VA home with plastic sheeting and duct tape.
  • Heating and air conditioning systems are turned off.
  • Do not spread or track asbestos dust to other areas of your Arlington, VA home.
  • Disposes of the asbestos materials, disposable equipment, and clothing used by the asbestos removal team. These should be sealed in leak-proof, heavy-duty plastic bags which are labeled.
  • All areas of the worksite should be visually free of dust and debris.
  • The entire area should be cleaned with wet mops and rags and a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) vacuum cleaner.
  • Asbestos-containing materials should never be broken into smaller pieces because this could release asbestos fibers into the air.
  • Asbestos-containing materials should be wet down with a hand sprayer to eliminate fibers from floating into the air.

Once the asbestos removal contractor has completed the work, an asbestos inspector should perform another inspection to assure the asbestos properly removed and areas cleaned.

Envirotex is the experts in environmental services for Northern Virginia since 2000. Call today for a free indoor environmental consultation. They can help you with any issues you have on your property in Arlington, VA.