Protect Property Investments With Asbestos Inspections in Upperville, VA

Asbestos Inspections in Upperville, VAProfessional asbestos inspections in Upperville, VA, can help pave the way for a smooth real estate transaction or property renovation.

Any wise investor knows to complete their due diligence prior to purchasing a property. Along with requirements from the lender and the law, asbestos inspections of Upperville, VA, properties lend integrity to any transaction and deliver peace of mind for those considering a real estate purchase or a home renovation.

Asbestos fibers are ubiquitous in materials used in building construction before 1980, when medical research revealed the deadly link between airborne, or friable, asbestos and certain types of upper respiratory conditions, lung diseases and cancers. Although owners of residential properties with four units or less are not required by law to remove asbestos, most experts recommend asbestos inspections in Upperville, VA, to identify and eliminate asbestos as a household hazard.

Envirotex is highly qualified, licensed and insured to perform professional asbestos inspections in Upperville, VA. We perform precise, cost effective, quality work with safety as our cornerstone. With ongoing training and certification, plus expertise in air monitoring and hazardous materials testing, the professional environmental experts at Envirotex are well-prepared to safely and efficiently help alleviate any environmental problems, including asbestos, in Upperville.

Before you sign on the dotted line, be absolutely positive the property you are purchasing is free of undesirable contaminants and other toxins. Contact Envirotex for proof positive that the property you are buying is completely asbestos free and healthy. Schedule asbestos inspections in Upperville, VA, today with the environmental experts at Envirotex.

The Risks of Unauthorized Asbestos Removal in Middleburg, VA

Is asbestos removal in Middleburg, VA one of the line items for your home or commercial renovation budget? Before performing any demolition, interior remodeling, or renovation to property built before 1980, a professional asbestos inspection should be ordered.

The Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (a.k.a. the VA Code) regulates the disturbance, inspection, testing and removal of materials containing asbestos in buildings constructed before January 1, 1985. A permit is required by law to perform asbestos removal in Middleburg, VA.

The VA Code (section 36.99.7) also requires testing, removal and re-certification of an asbestos abatement area be conducted by a Virginia licensed asbestos contractor in accordance with existing federal and state asbestos regulations.

Single-family residential homes and rental housing with four or fewer units (unless the renovation or demolition is for commercial development) are exempt from asbestos regulations, although the presence of friable asbestos is a health hazard and should be disclosed prior to settlement.

Should you have unskilled, untrained contractors or workers perform any work in or around disturbed asbestos fibers, you may be held liable. Depending on the nature of the infraction, you could face legal action involving the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI), which regulates asbestos through Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) regulations.  The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality regulates asbestos disposal in landfills.

If material containing asbestos is contained and asbestos removal in Middleburg, VA is completed in strict adherence to OSHA’s compliant work practices, then notification is not generally required. However, if materials have been damaged by water or the actions of grinding, chipping, sawing or drilling, the asbestos is unleashed as the material is friable, or airborne, and the Commonwealth would require legal notification.

Why run the risk of an asbestos-related law suit or the long-term health ramifications of a life in the shadow of asbestos contamination? Call Envirotex today. Licensed, well-trained, experienced – Envirotex performs safe, efficient, and thorough asbestos removal in Middleburg, VA.